Is there any payment involved? 
No; KDSAP screenings are completely free to participants.

Who is eligible to participate in a screening? 
Participants must be at least 18 years of age.

Why is a kidney screening important to me? 
The purpose of the screening is to find out if you are at risk for kidney disease or have already developed kidney disease. Since kidney disease usually remains undetected until late stages, we hope to raise awareness of kidney disease to promote early detection and prevention. The screening results may help you better understand your health.

What if I don’t have a primary care physician or health insurance? 
You are still more than welcome to come to our screening. If any abnormalities are found, the on-site physician will advise you accordingly by connecting you with a doctor or referring you to a free clinic.

How long does a screening take? 
The entire process takes about 30 minutes.

How will the results be used? 
We will collect your results to generate important epidemiologic knowledge about kidney disease and identify risk factors for chronic kidney disease (CKD) in different ethnic groups. We are collecting this data for research purposes only and will combine your results with the results of all other participants in a totally anonymous way. You can give the information to your doctor if you wish.

Are there any risks? 
Minimal discomfort may be resulted from a fingerstick during the blood glucose measurement.

What about confidentiality? 
Your real name will never appear in any published papers. You will be given an identification number at the screening, and all personal information will be protected. However, your contact information may be shared by the research team in order to conduct follow-up.

How will confidential data be stored? 
Participant data will be entered into REDCap, an electronic data capture tool, within 2 weeks after each screening, and the paper questionnaires will be locked in a secure room that is only accessible to KDSAP E-board members and their advisor. KDSAP physician advisors and E-board members will be responsible to ensure that this is done in a proper and timely manner.

Paper questionnaires are required to be kept locked and secured.  How will that be accomplished and who will have access? 
E-board members will designate a location to lock all paper copies of questionnaires, such as a chapter office, and only they and their advisor will have access to it.

Under what licensing or certification is KDSAP operating? 
KDSAP chapters operate under a CLIA Certificate of Waiver, as our tests are non-invasive and therefore classified as waived tests.